Welcome to our annual MORE Women’s Conference hosted by Culture City Church.
This years theme will be My BFF.
It is our hope that through this conference you will find encouragement, deliverance, an answered prayer or just a connection with Jesus. Our focus this year is that you know that Jesus wants to take your bitterness and turn it into beauty, you're forgiveness into freedom, and turn your fear into freedom. Friends are a necessary and important part of life. But Jesus is, by far, the most important friend that you can have.
“I do not call you servants any longer, because servants do not know what their master is doing. Instead, I call you friends because I have told you everything I heard from my father.”
JOHN 15:15 (GNT)
6:00 PM Doors Open / Check-In Registration
7:00 PM Dinner & Group Activity
5:00 PM Doors Open / Check-In Registration
*The first 50 people to arrive by 5:30 will receive an “Early Bird Raffle ticket”
6:45 PM Sanctuary Doors Open
7:30 PM Service Begins / Vanessa Cruz
7:30 AM Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM Worship
9:30 AM General Session / Pastor Marisol Marrero
10:30 AM Breakout Sessions
Workshop #1 - Pastor Chiqui Torres
Workshop #2 - Pastor Wanda Suttles
11:30 AM General Session / Vanessa Cruz
12:45 PM Lunch
2:00 PM "MORE Talk" - Panel Session
3:00 PM Breakout Sessions
Workshop #1 - Pastor Chiqui Torres
Workshop #2 - Pastor Wanda Suttles
4:00 PM Raffels
4:30 PM Closing Prayer
(Click their picture to get to know our speakers)
The Remedy Counseling Practice
Grace City Church
New Life Covenant Church
New Life Covenant Church