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Giving Made Easy
Thank you for choosing to partner with us. Give using your
checking account, debit, or credit card. Simple, secure and easy.
Text Giving
Text your amount to (708) 251-4224 (ex. $100) and hit send. Your first time you will be sent a link to create an account and you'll be set to go.
Smart Giving
Download the EasyTithe app on the Apple or Google App Market. Search for "Culture City Church" and enter zip code "60804". Log in or create an account and you're done!
Send A
Make checks payable to:
"Culture City Church"
Mail to:
2529 S Austin Blvd.
Cicero, IL 60804
Thank you for your generosity. It is because of your faithfulness that we are able to change the culture for Christ.
Finance Tools
Getting control of your finances can be difficult, but with a few simple tools, you can get on the right track. Get started by using these budgeting tools, gather the financial paperwork needed, and get started.

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